A man has been jailed today (10 November) at Carlisle Crown Court after targeting a Carlisle pharmacy twice.

Desmond Thomas Young, 30, of Balfour Road, Carlisle was jailed for 12 months for two counts of burglary and possession with intent to supply Class C drugs.

The court heard on the evening of 20 August this year Young went to the pharmacy on Bank Street, Dalston forcing entry via a glass door.

Once inside Young made his way to the medicine storeroom, filling a backpack with medication before making off on a red bicycle he had left outside, dropping packages of medication as he made off.

Young returned to the pharmacy on Bank Street on 7 September forcing entry by kicking the boarded-up window from where he forced entry on the 20 August.

Young entered the store filled a carrier bag with the medication before getting on his red bike and cycling away.

A resident witnessed the incident reporting it to police whilst filming the offender as he cycled away.

Enquiries lead officers to an address linked to Young on Hope Street, outside the address officers located a red bike before gaining entry where they detained him.

Inside the address searches found hundreds of pregabalin tablets, empty blister packets and full pill boxes of the medication.

Officers also located clothing belonging to Young with items matching the clothing worn by the offender leaving the scene of the burglary on the 7 September, the black backpack used in the first burglary was also located and seized.

Police Constable Angus Fulton said: “Young targeted the pharmacy on two occasions taking significant amounts of medication with intention to supply to others.

“These drugs are only normally administered following clinical advice, if these drugs were taken without being subscribed, they could have led to serious injury or death.

“We take burglary offences extremely seriously and those who conduct similar offences can expect to face a police investigation and prosecution.

“We would like to remind people to remain vigilant to the threat of thefts and burglaries and report and suspicious persons or activity to police via our online reporting form, live chat or 101 or if a crime is occurring on 999.”